Glacial Change
The loss the year has already brought... of lives, of rights, of tolerance and understanding... the hate and fear that seem to be ruling the world, and the race to the white house, and the legislature of my beloved North Carolina. Sometimes it feels like almost too much.
The overwhelming nature of it all can make it difficult to continue to act. To continue to hope.
This dying leaf shows me the beauty with which it fades... and finding it at the beginning of spring, enriching the soil with it's decay, reminds me that it will return.
Maybe I do believe in reincarnation, in ressurection. Our bodies are composed of matter that has always... always! existed. And in this moment, our bodies are almost completely different than they were 7 years ago; in fact 98% of our atoms are replaced every year. But the atoms do not cease to exist, they move on to become other things ... leaves on the ground, water in the stream, and the bright green bud of growth reminding me in this moment of life. To view the cycle of life in this way makes me feel much less significant, which brings with it a certain kind of relief. But this relief is not one of ceasing to care what happens, disbelieving that what I do can make an impact. It's a different kind of relief... one that helps me trust in the bigger picture. That if I can somehow infuse my atoms with love, and then take the leap of loving the atoms that make up other beings, no matter how ignorant, fearful, or hate-filled their current formation seems to be, maybe our next incarnation will be a bit more open, a bit more trusting, a bit more loving. This is not even about generational change, this is about glacial change... so slow and yet so powerful that mountains are formed and beauty is manifested in the geologic eras to come.
When it comes to faith, hope, and love... my faith is that by loving all, hope will be fed... and spring will come.
Spring in Shining Rock
Trillium Sisters
Best Friends